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Where to Find Flint: Best Environments & Locations (USA)

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Many rockhounds are passionate about finding flint in the U.S. However, it is much harder to find than one might think so. Flint is a cryptocrystalline sedimentary form of the mineral quartz. It is a type of chert that often forms in chalk or marly limestone and is used by the natives to create tools or start fires.

If you want to find flint in the U.S., one of the best states to find it is Ohio, as there are many locations publicly available there. Flint is also present in states such as Florida, Georgia, Kansas, and North Dakota. Flint occurs as either nodules or masses in various sedimentary rocks, such as chalks and limestones.

If you want to find out more about flint, where to find it, how it forms, and the best states to search for it, get ready! Here is everything you need to know about finding flint in the U.S.!

Where to Find Flint Rock Near Me
Where to Find Flint Rock Near Me

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Where to Find Flint Rock Near Me (Most Common Environments)

The best way to find flint in nature is to understand how it formed. Many argue that flint occurred due to the chalk seas millions of years ago. Flint grew in sedimentary rocks through the precipitation of silica that filled burrows, cavities, and cracks.

As it filled these cavities, it enveloped the remains of marine creatures. Through the process of dehydration and hardening, it resulted in microscopic quartz crystals that constitute flint. Thus, some of the best environments to find flint are in sedimentary rocks (such as chalk or limestone), ridges, road cuts, stream beds, or gravels.

Let’s see exactly what are the best environments to find flint in nature!

Outcrops and Exposures

Among the best places to find flint are shale, sandstone, limestone outcrops, exposures, and road cuts. These mediums are perfect for finding flint due to how it formed in the past.

Ridges, Stream Beds, and Gravels

Some other environments where you may find flint include ridges, stream beds, gravels, rivers, or creeks. The natives often used flint to create hunting tools or tools in general. Because of this, you may find flint near bodies of water where they would often hunt for animals.

Flint may also have been carried away by water during powerful geologic activities, such as volcano eruptions or quakes. Gravel usually is a great environment to find flint as it creates the perfect medium for it to manifest.


Another great environment to find flint is in quarries. Flint can form several meters underground, and these large pits often reveal them. Before going to such areas, make sure you are allowed to collect flint.

TIP: Not just flint but sedimentary rock often contains fossils too because it is formed differently. Find out the explanation of why in the article below:
Fossils Can Be Often Found in Sedimentary Rocks & Here’s Why

Where Is Flint Found in the U.S.? The Best Locations

Where Is Flint Found in the U.S.?
Where Is Flint Found in the U.S.?

If you want to find flint in the U.S., you have to search for it in the environments mentioned above. However, if you want to go somewhere where you will surely find it, there are a couple of states worth exploring.

The best states to find flint in the U.S. include Ohio, Nevada, North Dakota, Kansas, Texas, Missouri, Tennessee, Indiana, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Flint Ridge is among the most famous places in the world where you can find high-quality flint, as it is an eight-mile vein. 

OhioFlint Ridge, Lawrence County, Benton Township
GeorgiaChattahoochee River, Albany, Flint River
North DakotaCrowley Quarry, Killdeer, Bismark
Where Is Flint Found in the United States?

Let’s explore some of these states and see exactly where you can find flint!


The state of Ohio is undoubtedly the most famous when it comes to flint. Ohio designated flint its state gemstone and rock in 1965. It is perhaps the most abundant flint state in the U.S., where the famous Flint Ridge is present.

The Flint Ridge is an eight-mile flint vein filled with some of the highest quality specimens. It is located in Licking and Muskingum counties, and you can find many other interesting things apart from flint here. You should search the area stream beds and road cuts as well.

The flint’s aesthetic beauty is among the very reasons it is so much sought after. It is a mixture of chalcedony, jasper, opal, and chert.

Yet, there are other areas you can find beautiful flint as well. In Coshocton County, you can find dark gray or black flint specimens in the area of ridges and knobs. 

High-quality flint is also present in Benton Township along high ridges. You will also find flint if you search the outcrops of shale, sandstone, and limestone near Holmes County. In Lawrence County, you can find flint nodules in the area of limestone exposures.

You may also be able to find high-quality flint specimens by searching the area of gravels and exposures near Muskingum County. Flint nodules are also present in the countywide deposits of Perry County.

The limestone outcrops at Tuscarawas River, near Zoar, are also filled with flint specimens. The flint specimens found in the rocky exposures of Coshocton, Hocking, and Perry counties are known as Vanport Flint and Upper Mercer flint. They are a rare colorful variety of flint that many rockhounds would be delighted to add to their collections.

If you do decide to visit Flint Ridge, you can also visit Nethers Farm in Muskingum County. Here you will also find many interesting specimens, especially crystals.

TIP: For a complete rockhounding guide in Ohio, check out this article.


If Ohio is too far for you, you should visit Nevada to find flint. Here, in northeastern Nevada, you can find beautiful flint specimens at the Virgin Valley, the eastern side.

Agate Point is another region you should visit to find flint, chert, agate, or even jaspers. In Central Nevada, you can find flint and chert specimens at Panaca, the area surfaces. 

TIP: For a complete rockhounding guide in Nevada, check out this article.

North Dakota

If you are near or want to visit North Dakota to find flint, you are in for a lucky treat! There is a great place here where you can find gem-quality flint specimens, namely, the Crowley Quarry near Golden Valley.

Killdeer is another region worth exploring for flint. You can find the famous Knife River Flint variant if you search the area streams and gravels southeast of Bismark.

TIP: For a complete rockhounding guide in North Dakota, check out this article.

Other Notable U.S. Flint Locations

Flint isn’t present in all U.S. states. However, apart from the states mentioned above, there are a couple of others worth looking into. For example, Texas. You can find an exciting variant of flint, called Alibates flint, in the Texas Panhandle. Go to Plum Creek, and search for it in the western part of lake Meredith.

In Southeastern Missouri, you can find gem-quality flint specimens at Doniphan, the area surfaces to the east. In Western Tennessee, you can find flint specimens and even gem-quality chert in Wayne County. All the countywide limestone exposures present flint.

In Southern Indiana, you can find flint specimens at the Wyandotte Caves. However, collecting is prohibited. Still, it makes for a great trip with the children to see how flint is found naturally. Northeastern Pennsylvania also has some good flint locations.

For example, you can find flint and chert at Easton, namely the area quarries. In Georgia, you can find flint in its western parts, at the Chattahoochee River and tributaries, in the gravels.

In Florida, you can find flint with ease. Go to the Florida Panhandle, and visit Washington County. There, you can find flint in the area of stream banks, road cuts, and quarries. 

If you are located in Nebraska, the eastern parts of the state have some interesting flint sites. You can find flint in Omaha, just west of the Platte River. Search for it in the gravels and all the area sand and bars. You can also visit Holmesville and search the area queries for flint.

TIP: The question of whether or not you can bring back items such as rocks on planes is a question that is asked more often than one may think. Find out the answer in the article below:
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FAQ About Finding Flint

Still did not find the answer to your questions about finding flint? Find frequently asked questions in the section below:

Is Flint Rock Easy to Find?

Flint isn’t easy to find unless you know exactly what and where to look for it. Some discover flint accidentally by stumping across ancient relics used by the natives in their hunting parties near bodies of water. If you know how flint forms, the most common environments, then it is easy to find it.

Where Do You Find Flint Rocks in the Wild?

Flint specimens are spread across a variety of mediums in the wild. Apart from inspecting the lands near large bodies of water, you may also find flint in outcrops, exposures, ridges, stream beds, gravels, and road cuts.

Can You Find Flint Rock in Your Backyard?

You can find flint rocks in your backyard if you are located near environments where it naturally forms. For example, some people have found flint in their backyards in Ohio, specifically in Muskingum County.


Flint is a beautiful rock that played a vital role for our ancestors in the past, especially in regard to creating tools and starting fires.

Some varieties of flint are more beautiful than others, ranging in various colors, shapes, and sizes. If you want to find flint specimens, consider the environments it forms in and the states mentioned above, and rockhounding sites. Good luck hunting for flint!

TIP: We have all been there: realizing you are missing something not more than 5 minutes after you have embarked on a mineral hunt. Check out all tools you need for rockhounding in the article below:
The Complete Guide: All Tools You Need for Rockhounding