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10 Common Rocks & Minerals You Can Find in Pennsylvania

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Pennsylvania is a state that’s rich in historical sites and mining, but it’s also rich in rocks and minerals for rockhounds. Learn all about the rocks and minerals of Pennsylvania, from more common stones such as agates to glittering gems such as tourmaline.

While you are in the keystone state, look for these common rocks and minerals:

  • serpentine,
  • petrified wood,
  • jasper,
  • geode,
  • fossils,
  • garnet,
  • fluorite,
  • calcite,
  • pyrite,
  • and quartz. 

Pennsylvania has so many rocks and minerals for rockhounds, but if you don’t know what to look for or where to look, you might end up missing out on some great treasures. Get the most out of your Pennsylvania rockhounding trip with this informative article.

Common Rocks and Minerals in Pennsylvania
Common Rocks and Minerals in Pennsylvania

If you are interested in checking out the best rockhounding tools you can find them by clicking here (Amazon link).

What Rocks Are Found in Pennsylvania

While Pennsylvania’s minerals usually steal the show, there are many interesting rocks you can find in the state:


LocationGPS Coordinates
Easton40.673005, -75.236617
Delaware County39.859136, -75.328241
Chester County39.958463, -75.721460
Lancaster County40.003358, -76.213796
Wrightsdale39.750364, -76.134502
Nottingham Park39.735205, -76.039967
Where to Find Serpentine in Pennsylvania

One of the rocks that many collectors search for in Pennsylvania is serpentine. Pennsylvania serpentines are known for their high-quality, and there are a few different varieties. Due to its gorgeous green coloring, Pennsylvania serpentine is often used for lapidary purposes.

Check out Easton, Wrightsdale, and Nottingham Park to collect Pennsylvania serpentine. You might also have luck in Delaware County and Chester County, as well as the mines throughout the state.

Petrified Wood

Petrified Wood
Petrified Wood
LocationGPS Coordinates
Redbank Creek41.010831, -79.305575
Greensburg40.315512, -79.541820
Bucks County40.331260, -75.172894
Newtown40.227206, -74.932250
Churchtown40.132890, -75.964621
Maple Glen40.182348, -75.179311
Where to Find Petrified Wood in Pennsylvania

Fortunately, Pennsylvania petrified wood is easy to find for rockhounds of all skill levels. Generally, you’ll see pieces of this rock wash up on the river and creek shores of this state.

Stop by the rivers and creeks of Greensburg, Bucks County, and Churchtown for petrified wood, and since this rock is often found alongside other treasures, keep an eye out for other collectible rocks and minerals!

TIP: The demand for natural petrified wood created the appearance of numerous fakes. Check out differences between real and fake petrified wood in the article below:
Real vs. Fake Petrified Wood: Focus on These 10 Differences


LocationGPS Coordinates
Schuylkill River40.260199, -75.744522
Allentown40.600347, -75.452239
Delaware River40.633632, -75.195805
Neshaminy Creek40.244401, -75.021223
Derry40.333037, -79.298812
Riegelsville40.592133, -75.191494
Where to Find Jasper in Pennsylvania

Jasper comes in a myriad of colors, and from the Keystone state, it’s generally red, yellow, or brown. Additionally, rockhounds come across jasper all over the state, so you’re highly likely to acquire some, no matter which areas you visit!

Swing by the Schuylkill River, Delaware River, or Neshaminy Creek for jaspers and many other rocks, such as petrified wood and agates.


LocationGPS Coordinates
Delaware County39.857027, -75.389353
York County39.930487, -76.752671
Crystal Cave40.525825, -75.841816
McAdoo40.898368, -75.991230
Mud Grubb Lake Mine40.063737, -76.438001
Echo40.850648, -79.326748
Where to Find Geode in Pennsylvania

Amethyst, limonite, and quartz geodes are the most common types of geodes in the Keystone State, and they come in all shapes and sizes. Additionally, they are scattered across Pennsylvania, so they should not be too difficult for any rockhound to obtain.

The abandoned mines in Pennsylvania, such as the Mud Grubb Lake Mine, and well-known areas, such as the Crystal Cave, have all sorts of geodes that you can collect. However, keep in mind that you might have to pay a fee or gain permission for some of these geode-rich areas.


LocationGPS Coordinates
Ligonier40.242384, -79.241831
Big Run40.964901, -78.877434
York County40.010473, -76.800736
Locust Lane40.285927, -76.851688
Chester County39.924770, -75.747553
Kinzers39.999561, -76.060094
Where to Find Fossils in Pennsylvania

Since Pennsylvania was covered under the sea for many years, the state possesses all sorts of neat marine fossils. Some specimens you might uncover are trilobites, fish, amphibians, and even vertebrate marine creatures. 

While it’s best to keep an eye out for fossils wherever you go in the state, some areas to keep a close watch on are Ligonier, Big Run, and York County.

Recommendation box: All tools and equipment you need for rockhounding and rock identification* (Amazon links):

1. Estwing Rock Hammer – Light, comfortable, and extremely durable hammer.
2. Estwing Geologist Pick – Classic and the most trusted paleo pick in the world.
3. Finder 12-inch Chisels – Heavy-duty chisels set with hand protection.
4. Mini Handle Shovel – This is a great tool for digging deep in the dirt.
5 Ironclad Utility Work Gloves – Breathable, but they also protect the areas requiring them most.
6. 3M Safety Glasses – Comfortable and efficient goggles for rockhounding.
7. Convoy 8+ UV Light – 365nm UV LED flashlight with a patented glass filter.
8. Wesley’s Jewelers Loupe – High magnification options (30X and 60X) with carrying case.
9. Mohs Hardness Kit – A specially designed kit for rockhounds

*All recommended products are personally tested and regularly used by experts from this website.

What Minerals Are Found in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania has some beautiful minerals and gems for rockhounds, such as:


LocationGPS Coordinates
Delaware County39.857027, -75.389353
Mongomery County40.182139, -75.375219
Lebanon County40.371746, -76.449028
Merion Station39.995150, -75.249790
Fox Hill39.812232, -77.554338
Nottingham Park39.735205, -76.039967
Where to Find Garnet in Pennsylvania

Did you know that there are three different varieties of garnets that rockhounds have discovered in Pennsylvania? Spessartine, almandine, and andradite garnets all reside in the Keystone State, and each one of these comes in multiple colors, such as purple, yellow, orange, and red.

The old mines of Pennsylvania are a perfect place to start for garnets, especially the ones in Delaware County and Mongomery County.


LocationGPS Coordinates
Union Furnace40.613299, -78.164353
Monroe County40.981138, -75.338366
Brookdale Mine40.525988, -75.842878
White Rocks39.869550, -77.521698
Lancaster39.956004, -76.437642
Cornwall40.264332, -76.416673
Where to Find Fluorite in Pennsylvania

Fluorite can come in all the colors of the rainbow, so you never know exactly what color you’ll run into in Pennsylvania. White and purple crystals are common in the Keystone State, and there’s many places where you can search for this mineral.

For stunning fluorite crystals, visit Union Furnace, Monroe County, and White Rocks.

TIP: Fluorite can be extremely valuable because of these main factors: color, zonality, crystal habit, mineral paragenesis, and clarity. Find out more in the article below:
Fluorite Value: Main Factors & Prices for Different Units


LocationGPS Coordinates
Emigsville40.006239, -76.726228
Lancaster39.987577, -76.460988
Knauertown40.170962, -75.727050
Monroe County40.963511, -75.365832
Morrison Cove40.248785, -78.335718
Union Furnace40.613299, -78.164353
Where to Find Calcite in Pennsylvania

Although calcite might not be abundant throughout the whole state, the pieces that are found are said to be some of the finest samples. Dogtooth calcite is rare but does exist in very specific areas of Pennsylvania, and you might even find green calcite if you look near Knauertown.

Lancaster, Knauertown, and Morrison Cove are the places to be if you want unique and beautiful calcite crystals. 


LocationGPS Coordinates
Monroe County41.048491, -75.236742
Aughwick Creek40.250631, -77.922724
Girty40.644877, -79.414437
Eaton41.498872, -75.975369
Knauertown40.170962, -75.727050
Schuylkill County40.651307, -76.255876
Where to Find Pyrite in Pennsylvania

Even though you might not strike it rich with gold in Pennsylvania, you can collect some shining pyrite crystals! Pyrite cubes and crystals are common almost everywhere in this state, and you’ll typically find it with other collectible rocks and minerals.

If you are searching for pyrite cubes specifically, Schuylkill County should be your first stop. Monroe County and Knauertown also have some lovely pyrite crystals for rockhounds.

TIP: And while Pennsylvania isn’t the first place to come to mind when you think about gold rushes or wild prospecting adventures, it certainly has an untold story worth hearing. Find out more in the article below:
Gold Prospecting in Pennsylvania: 7 Best Locations & Laws


LocationGPS Coordinates
Morrison Cove40.248785, -78.335718
Sherman Valley40.086631, -78.289238
Eureka40.244190, -75.191174
Chester Creek39.878174, -75.427614
Marple39.957374, -75.374224
Blue Hill39.952193, -75.413703
Where to Find Quartz in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania has plenty of quartz for rockhounds, including smoky, clear, rutilated, and even the famous Herkimer Diamonds. While you can find the other types of quartz in multiple areas of Pennsylvania, the Herkimer Diamonds only appear in Morrison Cove.

Searching for Herkimer Diamonds? Head on over to Morrison Cove. For smoky or clear quartz, Sherman Valley and Chester Creek are top-notch locations.

FAQ About Common Rocks & Minerals in Pennsylvania

In order to give Pennsylvania the recognition it deserves, we are going to go into detail on the rare rocks and minerals that this state has to offer:

What Rare Rocks Can You Find in Pennsylvania

While many of the rare rocks are mentioned above, it’s helpful to see them all in a list: agates, jaspers, geodes, serpentines, fossils, petrified wood, and obsidian. These are the most popular rare rocks in the rockhounding community, with jaspers and geodes being especially sought-after in the state.

Also, serpentines from this state are known for their exceptional coloring and quality, so it’s worth taking some time to collect this rock in Pennsylvania.

Visit Delaware County, Lancaster County, and York County to collect some of the best rare rocks that this state has to offer. 

What Rare Minerals Can You Find in Pennsylvania

In the Keystone State, some rare rocks you can find include garnets, fluorites, rutiles, kyanite, azurite, gold, silver, copper, sunstone, celestine, Herkimer Diamonds, tourmaline, and malachite.

However, it’s important to note that many of these rare minerals come in small quantities in Pennsylvania, with garnets and fluorites being the exceptions.

This doesn’t mean that it’s impossible for rockhounds to find these minerals; it just means that you might have to stick to a specific area in the state.

Morrison Cove, Monroe County, and Delaware County are three areas where you can find multiple rare minerals, and a few rare rocks as well.

What is the Most Famous Rock or Mineral Found in Pennsylvania

The most famous rock that’s found in Pennsylvania is serpentine, due to its excellent quality and rich coloring.

Serpentine from this state is typically used for lapidary and jewelry projects since it has such as attractive and eye-catching appearance. Additionally, you can find great pieces of it all over the state, so it’s accessible to all rockhounds.

Check out the serpentine section above for locations and more information on these rocks from Pennsylvania.

BTW: Do you want to know more about rock and mineral identification? The books listed below are the best ones you can find on the internet (Amazon links):


While the Keystone State might not be well known for its rocks and minerals, it has plenty of treasures that would satisfy the heart of any rockhounds.

If you enjoy collecting rocks, pick up some serpentines, jaspers, or geodes. If you’re a fan of minerals, Pennsylvania has garnets, fluorites, and celestines waiting for you.

So, after you explore the historical landmarks of this state, don’t forget to collect some of these amazing rocks and minerals!

TIP: Pennsylvania is an excellent place to rockhound for minerals, beautiful rocks and fossils. Check out the complete guide in the article below:
Rockhounding in Pennsylvania: Where to Go & What to Find